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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Urbi's stories

Different people are coping with the lockdown in different ways. My daughter is reading out stories on Instagram. Look her up there: her handle is urbichatterjee.

This is the link to today's story.

P.S., April 30: Want something to smile over? Look up the last two posts on my other blog.  


Unknown said...

Dear Sir

I hope you are doing well in these trying times. It's unikely that you will remember me (my fault completely though, I didn't keep any contact after I began my Plus 2), but I was a student of yours back in 2012 (ICSE batch). I read your blog articles very often but today after listening to this story, I recalled the day when you had narrated the story to us towards the end of one of our classes. It was a delightfully funny story. And I remember faintly, that you even quizzed us after the narration was over. Those were indeed happy times unlike today.

Please stay safe and healthy

Yours sincerely


Suvro Chatterjee said...

I am very glad to hear from you, Supriyo, as is Urbi.

Yes, I do remember you, maybe because of your very nice smile. I shall be glad to see you again.

This particular story should have brought back the same kind of happy memories to a lot of others who once attended my classes. I wish some of them would have the graciousness to acknowledge it, as you have done.

I wonder why your comment is headed 'unknown' instead of showing your name?


Unknown said...

I'm extremely delighted to learn that you still remember me. Truth be told, I was slightly apprehensive before typing my previous comment, because I recall from one of your previous blogs where you had written "Don't expect me to remember you, if you haven't kept in touch". Which is precisely what I had done. In fact I had thought of commenting in one of your other articles wherein you mentioned about the "Indian bioweapon" thing (how we can feed American or European invaders our street side food in order to counter their attack), another thing that you had mentioned in one of our classes. I am also looking forward to meeting you.


P. S. Even I am confused as to why it is showing unknown.