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Thursday, July 18, 2024

A woman for men!

Thanks to my daughter, I have discovered Ms. Nandini Bhattacharya on the internet - a woman in today's world, today's India, who, without denying that many women are still harassed, oppressed and exploited, speaks up stridently (and factually) for men! I didn't dream of finding someone like that in my lifetime. Here is one of her interviews. As she herself often says, lots of so-called feminists hate her, but she gets a lot of support from people too, and not only from men. More power to her elbow. I shall not comment here, but I wish more and more people would not only take note of her, listen to her, be persuaded by her but help her cause. If some men fought long and hard for women's well-deserved and long-denied rights (to wit Rammohun Roy and Vidyasagar), maybe it was high time that some women started defending (decent) men, especially since some men have been undeservingly getting a lot of bad press and worse for too long now. 

P.S.: Those of my readers who don't understand Bengali well, please do still try to listen to her with attention.



Hi Sir,

It is great that Mrs. Nandini Bhattacharya is getting the due credit that she deserves for her selfless service for the plight of men. I had been following her and sharing her work for a long time as not only it is a global phenomenon faced by all stratas of men generally but I have also observed my father going through the same wrongs occurred to him. Moreover you can also checkout Ms. Deepika Bharadwaj who is also an internet personality plus social worker who has been working on the similar grounds as of Mrs.Bhattacharya. Moreoever her work especially centers around men who have been wronged in marriage where some women have misused and weaponized the laws that were present to protect them.

You can checkout her blogs, podcasts and especially the documentaries she had made for the issues. Below is a link shared regarding a documentary made by her named - 'Martyrs of Marriage'. I would be very glad if you check out the same.

Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKRAkw5RUdw

Yours sincerely,
Swarnavo SInha
(Batch - 2014)

Suvro Chatterjee said...

Nice to hear from you, Swarnavo, and many thanks for the link. I shall certainly check it out. I count among my own countless ex students many men whom marriage has treated very, very badly and unfairly.
