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Monday, February 19, 2024

Tail end of winter

Unless there is something wrong with Google's counter, there have been more than thirty thousand page views since I mentioned 900,000 - and in only a month and a half. Incredible and heartening indeed. At this rate, I might cross that million mark much sooner than I had anticipated! Thank you to all my readers, but I keep wondering ever more with the passage of years: why do they communicate so little, or not at all?

It has been a mild but fairly long winter this time, thank heavens. I am still enjoying sitting out in the sunshine in the mornings and late afternoons - this being the slack season of the year. You can see some of my companions, animal and botanic, below :)

The dogs are free to come and go, but they have virtually made my house their home.


Aditya Mishra said...

Dear Sir,

I just noticed that the total combined views of both of your blogs have crossed a million reads or page views!
I hope the readership goes on increasing.
I would like to ask you to join X(Twitter). I am sure you'll find a good audience for your thoughts there. There is a huge need of sane voices on that site.

For some reason, the pictures you've shared have a sort of calming effect for my troubled mind. Similar to one of your older posts where you had shared the picture of your home.
I have this habit of developing stories and drawing up routines of the inhabitants of any house I see or for any person I observe. It's something I've been doing for a long time. While sitting behind my father's activa and traversing through posh localities in Amritsar, during the train journeys from Amritsar to Tata Nagar during summer vacations and random pictures that I see of someone's house. I wonder about what they do, how they celebrate their festivals, meet and greet their family members, argue and discuss about issues, what they eat etc.
Does the family play ludo during summer nights, does the father demand something fried just as he hears the monsoon arrive and if the mother makes kanji during winters. I guess one of the many reasons I do this is to see if all families are alike.

I am sure everyone else has important things to worry about. It seems like I am the only person doing this. Even if I try to subdue these thoughts, they somehow find their way to the top of my thinking queue anytime I look at a house for more than 3-4 seconds or observe a stranger for the same time frame. These thoughts linger for long time.
I think this is what a fickle and easily distracted mind does.
But it has it's merits too. I'll state the reason in brief.
Although I harbour a visceral hate for crowds, I find crowds amusing. It's like a mini museum of humans. It is random but has patterns too.
I can sit in the old Coffee House and just stare and observe people drowning in each other's voices. Being an audience to a conversation (or many?) taking place is a good thing sometimes. These views are obviously personal and I don't want to impose anything on anyone.

But I am keen to learn from your readers if they do a similar thing.
Do they observe and create a mental image of strangers they come across? Do they wonder about the kind of life the other person has?

I am once again sorry for taking off on a totally unrelated tangent. I have just written the first thoughts that crossed my mind.

Yours sincerely,
Aditya Mishra

Suvro Chatterjee said...

Thanks for the encouraging words, Aditya.

You do not have a 'strange' hobby that you should be embarrassed about. Highly creative people, such as artists and writers and filmmakers, have hobbies like that. It goes without saying that highly creative people are not very common, but that is not their fault, is it? :)

Nothing irrelevant or uninteresting about your comment. In fact, it is my dearest wish that many more readers would be inspired by my writing to muse and share their thoughts in the same vein.

You take care.


Aditya Mishra said...

Thank you for your kind words, sir.
After reading your reply to my comment, I have decided to start writing more regularly. I used to enjoy doing that during school, but this practice stopped abruptly after I joined college. I just hope I can sustain this hobby this time.
I am reminded of Hemingway as I write this. “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”

Thank you for sharing your thoughts through your writings regularly. It is always a pleasure to read your blogposts and I hope to share my first blogpost with you someday.

Thank you,