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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

An urgent appeal

I have a student whose mother has been battling cancer for more than a year. The father/husband is in dire straits now, financially as well as mentally, and the doctors say he has to raise a huge sum - Rs. 1.65 million - for immunotherapy. Upon the advice of the hospital he has appealed for help through a crowdfunding website. 

I know that this is just one life in mortal danger, and there are very many who need our help, but you will understand that the closer a person is, the more urgent and insistent his or her need to us. I have contributed my mite, but that is only a drop in the ocean. We need the support of hundreds, or better still, thousands of people. I do not have a very high opinion of our eagerness to do charity (see my old post Charity and other things) but will some of my readers consider that this could be their own mother, wife or daughter, and extend a helping hand? 

If you wish to help, please click on this link. Thank you from the bottom of my heart in advance for doing your bit to save a life. 


JM said...

Sir, Thank You for letting know. Did my part.

Warm Regards.
2002 Batch, SXS

Suvro Chatterjee said...

... and I am most grateful on my own and the suffering woman's behalf, Joydeep. The likes of you make me very, very proud.

Blessings and best wishes,


Ritambhar said...

Done a small bit sir. Apologies, saw this post just now
- Ritambhar Roy

Suvro Chatterjee said...

Very kind, Ritambhar. There is absolutely no reason to apologize! Good to know that you still visit this blog sometimes. Do please read the last part of the next post, 'Postscript...'

Best wishes.
