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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

On YouTube: To my current pupils

A new post has just been put up on my YouTube channel. Just type in Suvro Chatterjee on YouTube, remember?

And I shall be glad to have more subscriptions and more comments, it goes without saying. To those comments which have already come in, I shall respond soon. Meanwhile, many thanks to those who have taken the trouble to subscribe. To all the others who have visited already but haven't subscribed yet, why haven't you?


Saikat Chakraborty said...

Dear Sir,

The message in the video is pertinent and will always be so. I remember these words from the days of our classes and I am fortunate to have been a part of them. I hope that over the years, your channel will host a library of videos that will be a timeless collection, as your writings and blogs, for us to always come back, reminisce and learn.

With regards,

Suvro Chatterjee said...

My dear Saikat,

Many thanks for commenting. Please see my latest blogpost ('Dear Aritra') addressed to one specific old boy: you will understand why I am asking. I wonder more and more why a few people like yourselves keep in touch for years and years, while so many others drop off and vanish completely, despite once upon a time having assured me with great apparent sincerity that they wouldn't dream of snapping the connection.