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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The world of the doctor

I have just finished reading another of my great grandfather's books - Daktarer Duniya, The World of the Doctor. Here is a link: I hope every interested reader will download it and read it closely. It will amply repay him or her for their time. A million thanks to Swarnava for finding this book.

I have written about my ancestor, Dr. Pashupati Bhattacharyya, before. He was a man of many talents, such as doctors these days can hardly imagine. There is an extract from his book on Rabindranath here. Those who read this book mindfully should also look up two earlier posts, May the GP culture come back and Morality training for doctors? 

One reason that the medical profession has gone to the dogs today is that they themselves are less and less deep and well-rounded human beings any more, much more like technician robots working according to fixed algorithms and protocols, drained by the very nature of their education and the 'demands' of the corporate hospital surroundings in which they work of any real ability to think and feel, leave alone empathize, and naturally unable to deal with patients like living, sentient, thoughtful creatures but only as machines to 'fix' or throw away. Not all doctors I see, not yet, but they are getting there.

Dr. Bhattacharyya was not only a physician but a litterateur (a singer appreciated by Tagore, no less, among other things, too). I am proud that he probably wrote about things that happened even before A. J. Cronin penned Adventures of a Black Bag, tales of a doctor's life in 1930s rural England, which I have admired for ages. I am also wonderstruck to rediscover how very contemporary many of his experiences and observations are, though he trained as a doctor during the early days of the First World War.

One last thing before anybody writes a comment: I am bemused to see that his faith in God actually deepened as his scientific studies and medical experience progressed all through a long life.

I wonder whether such doctors will make a comeback. I would very much like to die in my own bed, at home, in the charge of such a one.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Approaching a million page views...

The Google counter says that the number of page views on this blog has crossed 990,000. Now I am beginning to get a little excited :)

As I often say - and am generally ignored - I'd love to know the names of people who have been regular readers for many years at a stretch. A special bond has been created with them, so I hate to think that they prefer to remain anonymous.

Also, right now I am rather bereft of ideas to write about, and scared of repeating myself - which won't be surprising, given that I am growing old, and have been writing continuously for eighteen years. Not many people can do that, but it is also possible to over-extend oneself. So I would love to have suggestions and requests. 

I have just been editing a recommended booklist that I wrote out two decades ago for the benefit of my pupils, and it struck me that most people - even if they call themselves readers - prefer to limit themselves to the 'latest crazes'. Books are not like cars and mobile phones, they can much better be likened to good wine, which matures with age; and no great book ever becomes out of date: keep that in mind.

I have decided against writing anything about the third Modi government at the Centre. Either I'll say too much or nothing meaningful, and in any case, too many people have talked about it already. Let it keep for personal interactions.

I should especially like to thank Ramit Das for commenting several times on my recent blogposts. It always feels good when old boys get back after ages. I shall be very happy to respond to emails or Whatsapp messages, Ramit. The phone number is 9932849202: it's no secret.

On the other hand, I have been missing folks like Saikat Chakraborty and Nishant Kamath. This is a reminder to both of them!

I shall get back here soon, I hope - or as soon as inspiration strikes. Ciao.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

A woman for men!

Thanks to my daughter, I have discovered Ms. Nandini Bhattacharya on the internet - a woman in today's world, today's India, who, without denying that many women are still harassed, oppressed and exploited, speaks up stridently (and factually) for men! I didn't dream of finding someone like that in my lifetime. Here is one of her interviews. As she herself often says, lots of so-called feminists hate her, but she gets a lot of support from people too, and not only from men. More power to her elbow. I shall not comment here, but I wish more and more people would not only take note of her, listen to her, be persuaded by her but help her cause. If some men fought long and hard for women's well-deserved and long-denied rights (to wit Rammohun Roy and Vidyasagar), maybe it was high time that some women started defending (decent) men, especially since some men have been undeservingly getting a lot of bad press and worse for too long now. 

P.S.: Those of my readers who don't understand Bengali well, please do still try to listen to her with attention.