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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Sometimes you can only laugh

We live in a world where on the one hand, people are constantly exulting over how fast everything is 'progressing' or 'advancing', and on the other, most people, including particularly the (formally-) educated and well-heeled, are constantly complaining about so many things that are going awry in their lives. We seem to be happily living with this cognitive dissonance: how can people grow continuously more dissatisfied, more agitated and unhappy, where everything 'advances' all the time? Unless we have chosen to forget what 'advancing' ought really to mean - nothing except what conduces to increased human happiness can be called real advancement?

And people will complain, but they will not do a thing to change things, even within the limits they can. Poor scores in exam after exam, but they won't study regularly according to a routine. Obesity - they won't exercise and gorge less on junk food. Pollution related diseases, but they will keep littering, ignoring rules of hygiene and buying more motor vehicles. Loneliness and misunderstanding, but they won't reach out to make friends, even with those who try, remembering that you must give if you want to receive. Marital discord, but they won't compromise. Unsatisfactory careers, but they won't seriously search for better alternatives. Neck deep in debt, but they won't learn to live within their means. Boredom, but they won't try out good hobbies. Every day ends with irritation, confusion and misguidance ensuing from social media involvement, but they won't sign out...

Sometimes you can only laugh, especially when you recall the proud belief that 'man is a rational animal'. Except when you remember that you have some of these defects yourself, and then you must try hard not to cry!

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