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Thursday, January 07, 2010

On twitter

This is just to let everybody know that despite strong misgivings, I yielded to a friend's request and have just got into twitter. You can search for me by name. Let's see what follows. If (as I expect) I get bored stiff, I'll quit in a month or two.


Rajdeep said...

All the best in your new endeavor.

Amit Parag said...

But,Sir, where and how do I search for you? What is the procedure of getting in touch through twitters?

Srix said...

I tried it and didn't even last a day! If you do last a month or more, you obviously have tremendous patience...

M.K.Srikant (srikantmk - (at) gmail)
Now, I wonder if you remember....?

Suvro Chatterjee said...

You are quite right, Srikant. I am hanging on with gritted teeth till the promised month is over, at least! Judging by the tiny number of followers I have gathered in these few days, not many of my old boys are interested, either (many have told me face to face that they aren't). The wonder is that so many people who are chattering on twitter are supposedly busy people with serious work responsibilities - like Barack Obama himself - and some folks in their seventies! Anyway, Manmohan Singh is not there, nor Mamata Banerjee, nor Medha Patkar...

Archishman Sarkar said...

Twitter is basically a tool for the uneducated. It is for those SMS wallas who cannot write a proper paragraph or rather cannot coin a full sentence without any errors.
I had a great deal of trouble even identifying what Mr Shashi Tharoor tried to say in his Twit Twit. Something like "ppl u cld gt mr addng ....."??!! It was not until the next morning could I decipher the Twittyscript with the newspaper!
I guess i'm having a Netophobia or Twittophobia!


Suvro Chatterjee said...

I had doubts from the start, Archishman, and they have only gotten stronger over the last month. Twitter is used by two sorts of people: the idle and attention-hungry types who while away their time telling the world what they are doing in the bathroom, and professionals (such as journalists and politicians) looking for free self-promotion. There is indeed a small third category - like relief workers in Haiti coordinating their operations, and political protestors in Iran getting their act together. For people like us, who belong to none of these categories, using twitter is pointless. In another month I think I shall get out, too.

Suvro Chatterjee said...

The only reason I am still hanging on is that a few people put up links to thought-provoking articles now and then...