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Monday, December 04, 2023

Electoral augury

BJP comfortably voted into power in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh, devastated in Mizoram, and Congress surprise victory (at least to me) in Telangana, trouncing both the BJP and the ruling BRS.

Lesson learnt - the BJP steamroller is not something the Congress can tackle single-handedly any more, except occasionally here and there under special circumstances, probably even less so at the national general elections next year, no matter what pipe dreams they might still be dreaming. 

I am not gloating. I have no reason to. I can neither forget that the Congress has been the root of all political evil in India since 1947 along with most of the good that has been achieved, nor that the BJP is doing a lot of things it shouldn't if it really has the long-term welfare of the country (meaning only the vast majority of ordinary people) in mind.

I speak only for democracy, and for democracy even to survive, a strong and coherent opposition that knows its own mind is absolutely essential. So, for the sake of democracy, I do hope that the Congress gets off its high horse and goes quickly into a real and meaningful electoral (as well as post-electoral) understanding with all the other major opposition parties, so that the BJP at least has to face a strong fight in the 2024 parliamentary elections, and is kept on its toes under the law and the Constitution after - as it seems very likely as of today - it is returned to power once more.

Remember: democracy has been said to be 'not the best, but the least bad of all systems of government known to man'. Destroying it leads inevitably to the reduction of vast numbers into unthinking, uncomplaining poverty, drudgery and servitude. The tragedy is that people start missing it most only when it is lost, and it invariably takes a lot of time, pain and loss to bring it back. 'Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it'. 


Tanmay said...

Very true Sir.The most unfortunate part of the situation is that there is no strong political opposition (which should have been) against the BJP. BJP appears to be the best amongst the worst because of its ability to move the masses effectively to what it wants to show(which is to glorify itself). But to be practical, in a ten years tenure, ten times more development would have been possible if the BJP had focused more on the education of masses than fooling them.
Yours sincerely,

Akash said...


I think that the BJP magic is decidedly starting to fade away. People seem, in my view, to be still enamoured by a certain individual who for them personifies hope, above all things. But concerns like unemployment and high prices are inevitable given the deterioration of the standard of living, and are becoming more and more vibrant in the shared imagination as time goes on.

Hopefully, liberals, not excluding myself, have learnt the lesson that it really 'does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live' and that one has to come up with ways to create bridges to the fantastical dreams so that we may live them.
