Come end-February, and this country is gripped by examination fever. Several tens (or more likely hundreds) of millions of youngsters are going to sit for all kinds of examinations in the weeks to come – from annual examinations in school to board examinations, as well as all kinds of college-entrance examinations, from the IIT-JEE to dozens of similar but less 'exalted' kinds of tests that will decide where our young are going to study after school, and what. Once upon a time, for two decades, I was myself a part of this grind, now my daughter is (and will be for more than a decade yet), and having been a teacher all along, I have observed and learnt a few things about the whole process that I would like to share with my readers – many of whom, I suppose, are students or ex-students of mine who are going to be examination candidates themselves, or maybe their parents. So, before saying another word, here’s wishing the best of luck to all of them!
1. First, let me make it quite clear that I do understand how bad most candidates feel at this time. The mental pressure on them is tremendous, whether it is imposed by parents, relatives, neighbours, peers, teachers, or self-imposed (as it used to be with me – I cannot blame anybody except myself for all the horrors that I suffered: I had this compulsive urge to be first in class, as though that would compensate for all the other good things that childhood had not given me!). However…
2. Much of the anxiety-related suffering of both students and parents will vanish if they can accept a few things: a) in the case of those who are at least moderately intelligent and study all year round, the anxiety is needless; bad luck alone can spoil their results, and what is the point in worrying about which way the dice will fall? b) in the case of those who are stupid, careless as well as lazy (a very large proportion of the present-day student population is like that!), again, it’s pointless to worry, because luck alone can get them ‘good’ results (that does happen pretty often in India, actually – I have lost count of ex-students who were duds in school but have gone to the best engineering and business schools in the country, thanks to Lady Fortune and daddy’s money and quotas and contacts and cramshop tutors – things which have nothing to do with how good a student one is); c) much of the anxiety is not only needless but fake. Why do I say this? Because, considering primary school children first, it is ridiculous to suppose that the child’s test performance in class one will be a big determinant in shaping her career – her parents are merely spoiling her life pestering and nagging her night and day just because ‘everybody else is doing it’, just because a child’s marks, like the new car and mobile and flat-screen TV, has become an idiotic middle-class status symbol, just because most such parents are utterly frustrated with their own lives and have very little serious work to do, so they find obsessing over their children’s school performance both a necessity and an enjoyable luxury (and talking point: 98% of the parents I know have very little else to talk about). Taking a higher level of exam. candidate next, stop bothering about board examination results and just do the best you can (anxiety can actually lead you to underperform!), remembering, again, that this particular examination is not the end of the road, that board examinations are so hamhandedly conducted that your scores don’t really say much about you (lots of people who ‘shine’ in ICSE go on to get very mediocre marks in HS, and vice versa), that various kinds of competitive entrance examinations coming up next will be far more decisive in shaping your future, and, finally, lots of people who have never done well in either kind of examination have gone on to make brilliant careers for themselves!
3. Going on to those competitive entrance examinations next, today’s candidates should take heart from the fact that in many ways things have gotten far easier than in my time, broadly speaking. Take engineering – back in 1982, the year I wrote the West Bengal Joint Entrance Test, barely two thousand people, I think, got seats in engineering colleges; these days I hear that even those whose ranks are 70,000-plus find a berth in this college or the other. Apparently you cannot be so poor a student that you cannot become an engineer! Enjoy your life, I am telling my daughter, and if you score only around 50% marks in the science subjects in class ten, and you are still keen on engineering, you will get in somewhere, no fear – at most I will have to shell out a few lakhs at admission time: but much better that than wasting thousands of hours and lakhs of rupees on stupid tutors (most of them are both stupid and misguided!) all through your school life. Better concentrate on your music practice and drawing and karate lessons. Indeed, it is far harder to get into the English department of St. Stephen’s or Economics at Jadavpur, or into some place like the NLSIU or NID on your own merit than to get into engineering college. As for sour grapes in case you don’t make it to one of the IITs, no fear, again, because the lines are blurring rapidly – over the last ten years I have been seeing how so many old boys from the humblest of ‘general’ colleges and bottom-of-the-pile engineering colleges have been getting in along with so many IIT-wallahs into the same IBM, Microsoft, Intel, Infosys, TCS, Wipro, Cognizant, Satyam, Pentasoft… (funnily enough, many of these kids, even if they are ‘engineers’ after a fashion, don’t have a clue about computer science, having studied things like civil or chemical engineering, yet that doesn’t stop the IT firms from hiring them – am I missing something here? And what exactly do IT firms need to hire tens of thousands of ‘engineers’ every year for? I know for a fact that steel plants don’t hire even day labourers on that scale!) while a great many IIT-wallahs are chucking up the jobs which they got through on-campus placements within a year or two to cram again for the CAT so that they can become certified ‘managers’ – getting into IIT really cannot be that ‘cool’ (except perhaps in the marriage market) if the jobs it fetches are that yucky! … getting into medical school is still tougher by far, but that’s only because (for reasons I won’t discuss here) our government has not been able to let med. schools proliferate at the same pace as engineering colleges have. So good luck to all those who are aspiring to be doctors, but remember that it’s going to be a long, hard grind, and in your line perseverance, patience, good people-skills (and a thick skin!) are going to matter far more than brains and exam. scores in helping you to mint money a couple of decades down the line. But my daughter has told me categorically that she doesn’t want to be a doctor, for almost the same reasons that I chose not to, despite qualifying, so I shan’t give much space here to that particular aspiration any more.
4. What I am trying to tell my daughter – and all my students and ex-students alongwith who are right now suffering from exam. nerves – is that you ought to keep looking steadily at the big picture, the long-term picture. Just open your eyes and acknowledge reality, will you! Given innate talent, some sort of hard-won skill, ambition, diligence and a large dollop of luck, so many people are doing so well all around you, as teachers, lawyers, photographers, journalists, bankers, insurance agents, bureaucrats, sportspersons, actors, businessmen of one kind or the other, politicians, writers, musicians and what have you. At the same time, lacking one or more of those ‘essentials’ listed above, so many are languishing despite having followed the most ‘tried and tested’ career options. Oh, of course, any doctor or engineer can buy a house and a car, but these days so can any modestly successful shopkeeper or even a couple if both of them are bank clerks (I saw one last night in a spanking new Maruti Swift!) – so what’s the big deal about becoming doctors or engineers really if the purpose is only to make money (my brother-in-law, a doctor himself, used to lament routinely that the B.Com-pass Marwari who owned the hospital he worked for earned several hundred times more than he did! - and I certainly have nothing other than admiration for that Marwari). If you are keen on making money, I tell my daughter already, go in for the stockmarket or real estate brokerage after finishing high-school, and God willing, you will be a multi-millionaire by the time your doctor and engineer friends are just beginning to find a footing in the job market. If, on the other hand, making big money is not your top priority, consider why you wouldn’t want to be, say, an IAS officer or a teacher of some kind (with perhaps writing or music on the side, to stay happy and keep the brain cells alive), or a journalist worth the name, or a lawyer with aspirations of becoming a Supreme court judge someday, or a research scientist – such people don’t exactly die of starvation, and in my experience they wield much more power, enjoy their jobs far more, and do much more social good (or at least no more social harm!) than the average quack or seller of credit cards or soap. Find out what you are really good at, what you really want to do, and then follow your heart’s bidding: I am still sure, at my age, that while nothing is absolutely certain in life, this strategy comes far closer to guaranteeing a successful and happy life (with or without millions in the bank) than any other. And meanwhile, stop agonizing over piffling examination results.
5. Besides, look at what examination nerves do to you, and then decide whether it’s all worth it. It hurts your health – so many candidates (and even their parents sometimes) fall ill just before exam. time. It makes you selfish (don’t share your notes with a classmate!), unsocial (don’t visit your old Sir once in two years – you’ll lose precious study time!), silly (getting up late is okay, watching TV is not!) and often downright cruel (‘it’s so unfair of grandpa to have a heart attack during my JEE’!). Since so many people blindly cram things without love or interest, they neither understand nor remember for long what they have ‘learnt’ to get through exams, or else they get into the habit of cheating routinely by the time they are in high school (an open secret we take great care not to acknowledge publicly): that way we are not only making a great mockery of education but also creating millions of fundamentally ignorant, dishonest and opportunistic citizens of the future – how much does the country gain from it? The most pathetic thing is that people lose all sense of proportion at exam. time, so (as I saw in a recent newspaper photo) parents allow their children to cram while pillion-riding on motorcycles to their exam. centres, completely oblivious of the fact that a freak accident can spoil not only the child’s immediate examination but her whole life for good, and the way parents celebrate and preen about ICSE or JEE results, you’d think their children had won the Nobel Prize (perhaps that’s because deep within we know we are congenitally incapable of winning Nobels and Olympic golds and Oscars, so we prefer to go gaga over trifles? That these things are trifles is best proved by how incredibly quickly people forget the same ‘wonderful’ results – I find very few people who can recall the names of those from our town who got into IIT three years ago, unless it’s their own sons or nephews!)
6. To come to the last and most important point – and I can talk about this because, unlike most parents and teachers I know, I have always kept in close touch with hundreds of old boys and girls as they pass through school and college and then enter and struggle (and rise or flounder!) in the workplace, and keep giving me valuable updates on the real-life situation out there – the biggest mistake that most students make (alas, their parents and most teachers encourage them to make) is to imagine that the real fight will be over once you have gotten into college: after that life is sure to be a cakewalk, especially if your examination scores have always been good. You will sail into a well-paid job, and they will pay you by the sackfuls merely to sit in a perfumed and airconditioned office, giving orders and looking good! Sounds absurd when I put it that way, but I have found out that that’s what lots of supposedly clever boys and girls believe, this naïve daydream, this advertising blurb, and so when they ‘discover’ at last that real adult life is a long, long grind, and even with all the good report cards and high ranks, you must start at nearly the bottom of the pile, where the pay is paltry, the tenure is uncertain, the hours are long, the work is either hard or risky or boring (or, in the most unfortunate cases, all three together), the competition is unfair, the office politics is dirty, and you get paid essentially for how much you can earn for your boss, not for the marks that you got ever since kindergarten – that’s when the rude awakening happens, and so many of them just cannot take it! That’s when the frustration sets in, and the loneliness, grouching or alcoholism or endless quarrels with parents and spouses, the unhappy realization that this is not what one had dreamt of, and the pot of gold is still far away at the end of a very long rainbow! It is to those medical interns and lawyers’ clerks and shop-floor supervisors (junior engineers) and young MBAs who are basically doing door-to-door salesman’s work right now that I keep saying, ‘Slog on, slog on … this is what real life is all about, son, it’s the grime and the sweat and the lost sleep and the ability to bear with your boss’s insults that count – you might still make it big if you survive past forty, and thank your lucky stars for it. If daddy is still alive and has a pension to bank upon, you are luckier than maybe 800 million Indians! Nobody lives a life of luxury at 25 unless it is on daddy’s (usually ill-gotten) money, or one is a genius, a workaholic and very very lucky to boot: a Sachin Tendulkar or a Larry Page. In any case, virtually all my old boys and girls who are now approaching 30 agree that low-level examination results hardly matter in the long run at all. I hope they remember to pass on that hardearned wisdom to their children in the fullness of time!
So take heart from that, all you young people out there. Work hard, stay calm, stop consulting last-minute advisers, and sleep well at night. Go and watch a good movie or two. I went off to the cinema to watch Zanzeer on the night before ICSE began. I have no regrets, and I want my daughter to suffer less than I did from exam.-phobia. Even if everything doesn’t always go too well, I tell her all the time, it won’t really matter.
... and meanwhile, since I have made a lifelong habit of listening to my own advice, I’ll go travelling every year at the end of February once my daughter goes off to college. Not only will the weather be balmy then, but all the holiday hotspots will be empty of tourists – since they are all busy with examinations countrywide – and so I will travel in comfort and still get the best bargains! How about that?
1. First, let me make it quite clear that I do understand how bad most candidates feel at this time. The mental pressure on them is tremendous, whether it is imposed by parents, relatives, neighbours, peers, teachers, or self-imposed (as it used to be with me – I cannot blame anybody except myself for all the horrors that I suffered: I had this compulsive urge to be first in class, as though that would compensate for all the other good things that childhood had not given me!). However…
2. Much of the anxiety-related suffering of both students and parents will vanish if they can accept a few things: a) in the case of those who are at least moderately intelligent and study all year round, the anxiety is needless; bad luck alone can spoil their results, and what is the point in worrying about which way the dice will fall? b) in the case of those who are stupid, careless as well as lazy (a very large proportion of the present-day student population is like that!), again, it’s pointless to worry, because luck alone can get them ‘good’ results (that does happen pretty often in India, actually – I have lost count of ex-students who were duds in school but have gone to the best engineering and business schools in the country, thanks to Lady Fortune and daddy’s money and quotas and contacts and cramshop tutors – things which have nothing to do with how good a student one is); c) much of the anxiety is not only needless but fake. Why do I say this? Because, considering primary school children first, it is ridiculous to suppose that the child’s test performance in class one will be a big determinant in shaping her career – her parents are merely spoiling her life pestering and nagging her night and day just because ‘everybody else is doing it’, just because a child’s marks, like the new car and mobile and flat-screen TV, has become an idiotic middle-class status symbol, just because most such parents are utterly frustrated with their own lives and have very little serious work to do, so they find obsessing over their children’s school performance both a necessity and an enjoyable luxury (and talking point: 98% of the parents I know have very little else to talk about). Taking a higher level of exam. candidate next, stop bothering about board examination results and just do the best you can (anxiety can actually lead you to underperform!), remembering, again, that this particular examination is not the end of the road, that board examinations are so hamhandedly conducted that your scores don’t really say much about you (lots of people who ‘shine’ in ICSE go on to get very mediocre marks in HS, and vice versa), that various kinds of competitive entrance examinations coming up next will be far more decisive in shaping your future, and, finally, lots of people who have never done well in either kind of examination have gone on to make brilliant careers for themselves!
3. Going on to those competitive entrance examinations next, today’s candidates should take heart from the fact that in many ways things have gotten far easier than in my time, broadly speaking. Take engineering – back in 1982, the year I wrote the West Bengal Joint Entrance Test, barely two thousand people, I think, got seats in engineering colleges; these days I hear that even those whose ranks are 70,000-plus find a berth in this college or the other. Apparently you cannot be so poor a student that you cannot become an engineer! Enjoy your life, I am telling my daughter, and if you score only around 50% marks in the science subjects in class ten, and you are still keen on engineering, you will get in somewhere, no fear – at most I will have to shell out a few lakhs at admission time: but much better that than wasting thousands of hours and lakhs of rupees on stupid tutors (most of them are both stupid and misguided!) all through your school life. Better concentrate on your music practice and drawing and karate lessons. Indeed, it is far harder to get into the English department of St. Stephen’s or Economics at Jadavpur, or into some place like the NLSIU or NID on your own merit than to get into engineering college. As for sour grapes in case you don’t make it to one of the IITs, no fear, again, because the lines are blurring rapidly – over the last ten years I have been seeing how so many old boys from the humblest of ‘general’ colleges and bottom-of-the-pile engineering colleges have been getting in along with so many IIT-wallahs into the same IBM, Microsoft, Intel, Infosys, TCS, Wipro, Cognizant, Satyam, Pentasoft… (funnily enough, many of these kids, even if they are ‘engineers’ after a fashion, don’t have a clue about computer science, having studied things like civil or chemical engineering, yet that doesn’t stop the IT firms from hiring them – am I missing something here? And what exactly do IT firms need to hire tens of thousands of ‘engineers’ every year for? I know for a fact that steel plants don’t hire even day labourers on that scale!) while a great many IIT-wallahs are chucking up the jobs which they got through on-campus placements within a year or two to cram again for the CAT so that they can become certified ‘managers’ – getting into IIT really cannot be that ‘cool’ (except perhaps in the marriage market) if the jobs it fetches are that yucky! … getting into medical school is still tougher by far, but that’s only because (for reasons I won’t discuss here) our government has not been able to let med. schools proliferate at the same pace as engineering colleges have. So good luck to all those who are aspiring to be doctors, but remember that it’s going to be a long, hard grind, and in your line perseverance, patience, good people-skills (and a thick skin!) are going to matter far more than brains and exam. scores in helping you to mint money a couple of decades down the line. But my daughter has told me categorically that she doesn’t want to be a doctor, for almost the same reasons that I chose not to, despite qualifying, so I shan’t give much space here to that particular aspiration any more.
4. What I am trying to tell my daughter – and all my students and ex-students alongwith who are right now suffering from exam. nerves – is that you ought to keep looking steadily at the big picture, the long-term picture. Just open your eyes and acknowledge reality, will you! Given innate talent, some sort of hard-won skill, ambition, diligence and a large dollop of luck, so many people are doing so well all around you, as teachers, lawyers, photographers, journalists, bankers, insurance agents, bureaucrats, sportspersons, actors, businessmen of one kind or the other, politicians, writers, musicians and what have you. At the same time, lacking one or more of those ‘essentials’ listed above, so many are languishing despite having followed the most ‘tried and tested’ career options. Oh, of course, any doctor or engineer can buy a house and a car, but these days so can any modestly successful shopkeeper or even a couple if both of them are bank clerks (I saw one last night in a spanking new Maruti Swift!) – so what’s the big deal about becoming doctors or engineers really if the purpose is only to make money (my brother-in-law, a doctor himself, used to lament routinely that the B.Com-pass Marwari who owned the hospital he worked for earned several hundred times more than he did! - and I certainly have nothing other than admiration for that Marwari). If you are keen on making money, I tell my daughter already, go in for the stockmarket or real estate brokerage after finishing high-school, and God willing, you will be a multi-millionaire by the time your doctor and engineer friends are just beginning to find a footing in the job market. If, on the other hand, making big money is not your top priority, consider why you wouldn’t want to be, say, an IAS officer or a teacher of some kind (with perhaps writing or music on the side, to stay happy and keep the brain cells alive), or a journalist worth the name, or a lawyer with aspirations of becoming a Supreme court judge someday, or a research scientist – such people don’t exactly die of starvation, and in my experience they wield much more power, enjoy their jobs far more, and do much more social good (or at least no more social harm!) than the average quack or seller of credit cards or soap. Find out what you are really good at, what you really want to do, and then follow your heart’s bidding: I am still sure, at my age, that while nothing is absolutely certain in life, this strategy comes far closer to guaranteeing a successful and happy life (with or without millions in the bank) than any other. And meanwhile, stop agonizing over piffling examination results.
5. Besides, look at what examination nerves do to you, and then decide whether it’s all worth it. It hurts your health – so many candidates (and even their parents sometimes) fall ill just before exam. time. It makes you selfish (don’t share your notes with a classmate!), unsocial (don’t visit your old Sir once in two years – you’ll lose precious study time!), silly (getting up late is okay, watching TV is not!) and often downright cruel (‘it’s so unfair of grandpa to have a heart attack during my JEE’!). Since so many people blindly cram things without love or interest, they neither understand nor remember for long what they have ‘learnt’ to get through exams, or else they get into the habit of cheating routinely by the time they are in high school (an open secret we take great care not to acknowledge publicly): that way we are not only making a great mockery of education but also creating millions of fundamentally ignorant, dishonest and opportunistic citizens of the future – how much does the country gain from it? The most pathetic thing is that people lose all sense of proportion at exam. time, so (as I saw in a recent newspaper photo) parents allow their children to cram while pillion-riding on motorcycles to their exam. centres, completely oblivious of the fact that a freak accident can spoil not only the child’s immediate examination but her whole life for good, and the way parents celebrate and preen about ICSE or JEE results, you’d think their children had won the Nobel Prize (perhaps that’s because deep within we know we are congenitally incapable of winning Nobels and Olympic golds and Oscars, so we prefer to go gaga over trifles? That these things are trifles is best proved by how incredibly quickly people forget the same ‘wonderful’ results – I find very few people who can recall the names of those from our town who got into IIT three years ago, unless it’s their own sons or nephews!)
6. To come to the last and most important point – and I can talk about this because, unlike most parents and teachers I know, I have always kept in close touch with hundreds of old boys and girls as they pass through school and college and then enter and struggle (and rise or flounder!) in the workplace, and keep giving me valuable updates on the real-life situation out there – the biggest mistake that most students make (alas, their parents and most teachers encourage them to make) is to imagine that the real fight will be over once you have gotten into college: after that life is sure to be a cakewalk, especially if your examination scores have always been good. You will sail into a well-paid job, and they will pay you by the sackfuls merely to sit in a perfumed and airconditioned office, giving orders and looking good! Sounds absurd when I put it that way, but I have found out that that’s what lots of supposedly clever boys and girls believe, this naïve daydream, this advertising blurb, and so when they ‘discover’ at last that real adult life is a long, long grind, and even with all the good report cards and high ranks, you must start at nearly the bottom of the pile, where the pay is paltry, the tenure is uncertain, the hours are long, the work is either hard or risky or boring (or, in the most unfortunate cases, all three together), the competition is unfair, the office politics is dirty, and you get paid essentially for how much you can earn for your boss, not for the marks that you got ever since kindergarten – that’s when the rude awakening happens, and so many of them just cannot take it! That’s when the frustration sets in, and the loneliness, grouching or alcoholism or endless quarrels with parents and spouses, the unhappy realization that this is not what one had dreamt of, and the pot of gold is still far away at the end of a very long rainbow! It is to those medical interns and lawyers’ clerks and shop-floor supervisors (junior engineers) and young MBAs who are basically doing door-to-door salesman’s work right now that I keep saying, ‘Slog on, slog on … this is what real life is all about, son, it’s the grime and the sweat and the lost sleep and the ability to bear with your boss’s insults that count – you might still make it big if you survive past forty, and thank your lucky stars for it. If daddy is still alive and has a pension to bank upon, you are luckier than maybe 800 million Indians! Nobody lives a life of luxury at 25 unless it is on daddy’s (usually ill-gotten) money, or one is a genius, a workaholic and very very lucky to boot: a Sachin Tendulkar or a Larry Page. In any case, virtually all my old boys and girls who are now approaching 30 agree that low-level examination results hardly matter in the long run at all. I hope they remember to pass on that hardearned wisdom to their children in the fullness of time!
So take heart from that, all you young people out there. Work hard, stay calm, stop consulting last-minute advisers, and sleep well at night. Go and watch a good movie or two. I went off to the cinema to watch Zanzeer on the night before ICSE began. I have no regrets, and I want my daughter to suffer less than I did from exam.-phobia. Even if everything doesn’t always go too well, I tell her all the time, it won’t really matter.
... and meanwhile, since I have made a lifelong habit of listening to my own advice, I’ll go travelling every year at the end of February once my daughter goes off to college. Not only will the weather be balmy then, but all the holiday hotspots will be empty of tourists – since they are all busy with examinations countrywide – and so I will travel in comfort and still get the best bargains! How about that?