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Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Christmas week ruminations

Why have I not been writing? Several reasons, actually.

I am growing old, and slow.

I have been engrossed in reading a lot of very enjoyable books, the Maisie Dobbs series by Jacqueline Winspear among them (woman investigator cum psychologist in the early 1930s), besides having just finished the last of the Vish Puri books by Tarquin Hall, and In Search of Wales by H. V. Morton (famed for In Search of England, which is one of the loveliest books I have ever read - and that is saying something!)

I have been having fun, visiting my daughter's new digs in Kolkata. 

There are several dogs around to play with.

It feels unpleasant to sit in a cold room hammering away at the keyboard when I can sit out in the sun with coffee and watch the blue sky, the lush greenery all around, the cooing and chirping of so many birds and the flitting many-hued butterflies. And chatting with favourite old boys or going out walking with them in the late evenings after class.

I have already written so much that I sometimes feel scared that I might be repeating myself.

Readers have not obliged me by writing in to suggest ideas, things which I could write about with interest and knowledge.

In any case, in the Yuletide season, I wish peace on earth and joy to all men and women of goodwill. Who knows but this might be my last post of 2023.

1 comment:

Shivapriya said...

Beautifully penned. Wishing you a wonderful year ahead.. Looking forward to read more blogs from you 🙏. Take care